Krell Testimonials: Hear What Our Satisfied Customers Have to Say
"At Leesburg Listening Room, we’re featuring the Krell Duo 300 XD and the Krell Illusion II...
of course, along with the other Krell components we’ve put on demo. We find Krell to be one of the most neutral, wide open sounding electronics brands that we’ve ever auditioned. They team beautifully over a variety of offerings that we demonstrate whether a client is evaluating speakers, turntables, or a complete home theater system; the Krell electronics reveal the unique characteristics of everything in the chain.
Krell electronics perform well over multiple diverse speakers. We’ve demonstrated these products with a variety of speakers including the big KEF Blades, Legacy Audio Aries, Legacy Focus, the full portfolio of Martin Logan speakers, Golden Ear, and most recently, Estelon. In every situation, the electronics don’t impart a sonic signature, they just disappear, leaving just the music and the sound with a very natural organic and enjoyable experience.
The sound stage is absolutely phenomenal, offering a convincing portrayal of a live performance in the room. Krell’s electronics provide optimal depth, height, and width– better than any other electronics I’ve listened to regardless of price. The bass is deep, tight, and clean — no overhang, and the mid-range is dead on. The detail and placement of each instrument and human voices are totally natural, you have a front row seat to a live concert. The Krell design efforts are well conceived and deliver!
We’ve found the Krell’s Class A I-Bias design to be unlike other class A amps. No matter how long or how hard you play it, the amps stay completely cool if not in an enclosed environment.
Perhaps one of my favorite design “sound bites” we share with our clients is the origin of the Krell name. Yes, it is well designed and engineered, but many may not realize that the name came from one of our favorite classic science fiction movies, The Forbidden Plant. For those geeks, the Krell civilization is a marvel, as is the Krell gear!
The Krell electronics are indeed amazing to listen to and offer ultra high end performance at a very high value.
Well done, David Goodman and team Krell! (Note from Krell: David is Krell’s Chief of Product Development and Head Engineer who’s been with Krell for over 35 years).”
— Dennis Clark
Leesburg Listening Room
Leesburg, VA
"In a field where obsession with sonic perfection is the norm...
the Krell audio/video preamps, amps, and dacs truly stand out. I’ve heard many, many high end components throughout the years, but very few have kept me shaking my head and touching my heart as does Krell. Listening via Krell equipment, the artist’s intent clearly shines through in an organic, open, three-dimensional way which leaves me emotionally connected, much like I experience when I go hear my favorite artists live. Here is performance that goes above and well beyond competitors at their respective price points. The “new” Krell has re-ignited my love for the brand. All in all, an amazing value in high end electronics!”
— Don Krasen
Krystal Clear Audio-Video
"The Krell XD electronics...
together with Alta Audio speakers is by far the best combination I have ever heard in my 30 years in the audio business, and as an audiophile. The combination is truly a marriage made in audio heaven, the sound is so musical, with deep sound staging and great details. The experience is like a live performance, with of all the instruments playing right in front of you, and trust me, this is some of the best electronics the world has ever produced and Krell is indeed living up to its name as The Leader in Audio Engineering”.
— Leon Chua
Rockstone Audio Singapore/Malaysia
"As a Sound Engineer and an Electronics Technician...
to my ears and knowledge in build quality and audio design, there is nothing I have sold, seen or heard that comes close to a KRELL Amplifier or product.
They simply provide depth and power with a clear and precise detail you would only expect from the very best. Tight and controlled sound is what you expect and receive from KRELL, once you have owned a KRELL everything else becomes second best.”
— Paul Riachi
"Krell's XD amplifiers, preamps and other products are a quantum leap over their prior products...
For the first time that I’ve heard, you achieve the clarity and bass control that Krell was always famous for, but now, in addition, you get a sense of organic flow which is normally associated with the finest tube equipment.
Welcome to XD technology and the new Krell, the best of both worlds in one practical, elegant package. Quiet, refined, musical, elegant and practical.”
— Dave Lalin
Owner, Audio Intellect
Jersey City, NJ
"All I can say is WOW!
I am writing to you while listening to our brand new demo K-300i Integrated Amplifier, playing Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock and Lee Morgan tracks.
I have never, and I repeat never, in over 30 years of professional audio sales and system design, heard a solid state product like this before.
There is an organic wholeness and lack of grain to the sound which once you experience it, you know in an instant, this is not your typical solid state Hifi gear.
Another extraordinary trait of this little amplifier, pun intended, it weighs 52lbs and feels like it was cut from a solid block of metal. There was a rim shot on the drums which made me lift my head from reading emails while sitting in my listening room. It was so life like and startling.
Combine this magical liquidity and sense of presence with a deep, well controlled bass response, a large soundstage, good top end extension, and thrilling dynamics, and add in a modern feature set with Roon and MQA capability, built in ethernet streaming, Apt X Bluetooth, HDMI in and outputs, and a ton of both analog and digital inputs, with enough power to drive real world loudspeakers, and it makes this one very special integrated amplifier. I will find it hard to recommend anything else but Krell to my clients, and we sell many of the top performing brands of electronics in all of audio.”
— Dave Lalin
Owner, Audio Intellect
Jersey City, NJ
“Krell exceeds all expectations with the K-300i…
The K-300i is the latest of a long run of (Krell) integrated amplifiers with ‘300 (signifying 150 watts/ channel) as part of their model no. Each of these has been very well received, but this unit stands head and shoulders above the rest.
This is a seriously good amplifier. I have spent some hours listening to the K-300i, and I have thrown everything I can at it.
The K-300i has more control and perceived power (it sounds much louder than its rated 150watts) than any integrated amplifier of this size should. It is rock solid.
At the same time it is musical and engaging. Playing Soundgardens ‘Black Hole Sun’ at ear splitting levels did not faze it.”
— Len Wallis
Len Wallis Sound
Lane Cove, Australia
“I just Love Krell Audio…
… having been at the forefront of audio design for decades. Their technology breaks new horizons, with no other company I’ve come across able to replicate their amazing quality of sound.
I consider Krell a legend in the High End Audio world, exemplifying the highest quality and finesse, accurately delivered, and warming the heart of this listener. If you have the opportunity to listen to a Krell system, its “Iron” grip on your speakers will amaze you.”
— G. Miller
Colorado Springs, CO
“A few years back when an old friend popped into my store…
and told me he was the new COO for Krell, that day was eye opening. Upon demoing the new line of Krell gear, it revealed a level of emotion to the sound that I had not experienced before in my many decades in the audio business.
It was an immediate decision to have it join my offerings. Putting Krell in front of any speaker has brought new life to them. They have taken that well known sound and improved upon it, maintaining that rich, tight , resounding low end, and smoothing out the upper range to remove the brightness associated with solid state design.
An absolute “must” audition.”
— David Shore
President of Audioart
Sudbury, MA
“After hearing such a high level of performance across the board, we were determined to immerse ourselves in more of the Krell sound…
The AudioArt team has auditioned an impressive collection of amplifiers, preamps, and sources ranging from entry level to ultra high-end flagship models; each with their own strengths.
When we were introduced to Krell’s K-300i and the new XD series amplifiers, we experienced a sound that commanded our attention in an unprecedented way.
We remain impressed by Krell’s ability to make speakers come alive, and can proudly say that their products fill our showroom with music every day.”
— David Shore
President of Audioart
Sudbury, MA